Fridge magnets are offered by a huge amount of companies in Australia today, most companies competing on price alone. Our fridge magnets are different, not only because we can offer shapes, but for a number of other reasons. A search on google using the term 'fridge magnets' or 'shaped magnets' will return hundreds of companies who all want to make your business card magnets for why choose us? The magnets colours. Our magnets are printed in full colour CMYK print as standard, so yes, you can have a black and white magnet if you wish, but you can also put a photo or colourful logo too, what we're saying is there are no extra charges here, so don't feel you have to be restricted. The magnet finish. Fridge magnets more often than not have a glossy finish as standard, our magnets have a unique double gloss finish which is not offered elsewhere. We of course apply a nice glossy finish to the front of your magnets to make the print look great and protect your magnets. But we also apply a gloss finish to the reverse of your magnets...why? Magnet material can scratch or mark surfaces when moved across a fridge or appliance surface, applying our unique gloss coating to the reverse of your magnets prevents this from happening.Sometimes, the things you can't see can make a difference! The Fridge Magnets edge A majority of magnet manufacturers in Australia today will offer only square edged fridge magnets. Our magnets have rounded edges as standard, this not only looks more appealing, it will also stop a magnet edge from splitting or curling, and it is also safer, a squared edge fridge magnet could be hazardous for any children removing them from the fridge. The Shapes! Our crowning jewel. You can have square or rectangular magnets (with rounded edges) if you wish, but why limit yourself when cost is no longer a factor? It's like when the price of colour T'V's came right down (ok we're going back a while) but who still wanted to own a black and white T.V when they could have colour for no extra cost? are your ticket to your very own 50” Colour, Digital, LCD Holographic TV (metaphorically speaking). |